Hope Happens When We Get Out of Neutral

Hope Happens When We Get Out of Neutral

Say there’s a political cause you oppose – which of these two public relations strategies would best keep a lid on its growth? Tell people that the movement is gathering steam and it scares you because your interests could be curtailed? Uh, uh. Paint the...
Climate Change, Morality and Social Change

Climate Change, Morality and Social Change

We tend to have collective amnesia about how social change occurs. I’ve been asking myself over and over lately, Where does change come from? It happens right smack in the middle of mindsets that tell us that whatever it is we want to change is so intrinsic to the way...
Summer Reading

Summer Reading

This morning I closed my eyes and asked myself to think of what words I associated with summer. Without the baggage of complete sentences these words surfaced: innocence, silence, an uncluttered life. In a desperate attempt to carve out a little island of “innocence,...
The Santa Barbara Oil Spill

The Santa Barbara Oil Spill

“Residents to the left!” a U.S. Customs official bellowed. “Non-residents to the right!” In late May I was returning from the Turks and Caicos Islands. “What’s new?” I asked a woman next to me in line. “I’ve been away from the news.” “Oil spill. Santa Barbara,” she...
Honoring Helen Newman

Honoring Helen Newman

Beginnings matter. You begin with something you want to keep coming back to: a gem, a lodestone, something important. In this case – the very first entry for this blog – it’s someone important. Last year the coral reef ecologist Dr. Mark Erdmann...


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